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Pushing the limits... 7 Marathons in 7 Days

When it comes to extreme challenges, what do you do to even begin to motivate yourself to complete 7 marathons in 7 consecutive days?

That's the very question that we have asked our Shrewsbury Up & Running Store Manager, Ian Ford, who will be attempting this mammoth task in November 2022, in aid of the company's chosen charity, Heart Research UK.

“I always need a purpose” says Ian, “If I am training towards something, then I am always more likely to put the effort in; without a goal, I find it difficult to motivate myself”.

From picking up the trainers, to setting the challenge and everything in between

Ian's running journey began 10 years ago when he became aware, from a health perspective, that he needed to shed some pounds and become more active. Not feeling confident enough to take to the road, Ian purchased himself a treadmill and 18 months later completed the 10k distance on the treadmill.

With renewed confidence and ready to face the outside world, Ian's next major step was to take part in his first Park Run in Shrewsbury, which he thoroughly enjoyed being a part of & which became the catalyst to lead him to venture further and further with each event that he took on.

216 Park Runs later, other major races that Ian has taken part in & completed are The Ultimate Trails 55k event in the Lake District, the Silkin Way Ultra, twice completed the 50 miles Long Mynd Hike, and more recently in July 2022, the Race to the Stones, a 100k Ultra.

The idea, the inspiration

Needing a new & fresh challenge after the Race to the Stones, Shrewsbury Store Assistant, Connor Middleton, jokingly suggested that Ian should aim to complete the gruelling 7 marathons in 7 consecutive days, and to his surprise, Ian agreed and took up the gauntlet!

Training updates

Months on and Ian's own training plan is now well underway, consisting of early starts, lots of slow easy miles that give him time on his feet and he is focusing more on his recovery than he has done previously.

Ian told us that “The biggest personal challenge so far is the monotony & boredom whilst I clock up the miles, so much so, that my playlists now need refreshing & podcasts are being considered to see me through the final few weeks of training.”


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